
Table no 8A reconciliation with GSTR-2A in GSTR-9 Annual Return

  Table no 8A reconciliation with GSTR-2A in GSTR-9 Annual Return In Gstr-9 Table 8 is very important because Table no 8 a part showing input tax credit this input tax credit need to match with our books input tax credit. Its very difficult because we wouldn't know what is the different ( its difference would be like not entering any bill and any party not file there 3B return and input tax not  eligible). Now in Gst portal under Gstr-9 table no 8A reconciliation with GSTR-2A available with help of this we are easily find out, what is the difference in our input tax credit in gst portal and our books.

What is GST and input tax credit all detail

 With applicable of GST in 1 July 2017, one of the most important concepts that every person needs to understand is input tax credit(ITC). What is Input Tax Credit? GST taxation structure allows businesses across India to claim input credit for the tax they paid while purchasing capital goods and consumable goods and raw material which was need in business for operating there work in their company. Latest updates as per the 38th GST Council meeting If the input tax credit claims related to an invoice or a debit note is not reflected in FORM GSTR2A, then the amount of ITC claim will be restricted to 10% (earlier 20%) of the eligible credit available to the business owner. How does it work? At each stage of the supply chain, the supplier issues a invoice in the name of buyer in this invoice he charged GST on all item as per GST act, buyer claim input tax credit against this invoice if he paid the bill amount, and they can use it to offset with there output tax which was charged him from